Today I was working with a group of senior leaders at a well-known retail brand. We were practicing challenging conversation scenarios, where as an ex-actor I often use my ‘role-playing’ skill so managers and leaders practice their communication skills in a safe space, and receive instant feedback on how they come across.
Feedback shows this is participants’ most memorable part of the day, even if they’re sometimes nervous beforehand.
But today was different. At the end of one of the conversations, the participant asked me (I was playing her disengaged report) what feedback I could give her on how the meeting went from my side? I was stopped in my tracks because this never happens. Participants rarely want to receive 'upward' feedback, maybe because we’re too scared to ask? It also showed genuine trust in how I felt she came across, highlighting that whatever role we have, whether top, bottom, left or right, we always need to learn.
I'm sharing this because it’s stayed with me and aligns with my belief that the key to a healthy organisation is a culture where feedback is encouraged and celebrated, from every angle.